Sunday, December 10, 2006

What to do with the silence

In reply to Michael Dubruiel's post soliciting questions on one's spiritual life for Father Benedict Groeschel where the good Father will answer selected questions, I submitted my own question. In a follow-up email, I elaborated further.

Allow me to explain a bit more. As someone who has lost his hearing only in the last few years as a young adult, I don't know what to do with that silence. The Holy Father talks of silence as an integral part of the Mass, but with the Great Silence (to borrow from the monastics) that is everlasting, it is easy to wander as fragments of music and bits and pieces of the Eucharistic Prayers flit through. I am trying to find structure, something that holds it all together beyond just reading the readings and the rites and the Prayers.

I throw this out to all of you. I am looking for some kind of interior counterpart, a complement to the Mass. Something that ties in with the whole thing, but is not dependent on trying to read along and figure out where the priest is at. Is there some kind of structured 'interior' Mass that isn't just a personal spiritual program of prayer made up by individuals to suit their personal tastes?

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