Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Thank God for anarchists

Wide-scale interference in public affairs in Italy by popes, bishops, cardinals and various catholic ministers is reaching truly embarassing levels. Just a few months ago we were being told how the clash of cultures was being won by the superiority of western civilization which, on the contrary to islamic states, was able to make a clear distinction between civil affairs and religious affairs. Now, however, not a day goes by without having to listen to some lofty pronouncement from the Vatican on a whole range of issues.

Those who had hoped for a media-unfriendly pope, penalized by the charismatic nature of his predecessor, were not entirely wrong: this pope is, and remains, particularly unpleasant.

Read the complete article Italy, Playground of the Vatican from

The essay was brought to us by the Federazione Dei Comunisti Anarchici Council of Delegates. Next time I need a good laugh and smile, I'll have to find more of their material.

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