Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Reason for being

From Whispers in the Loggia comes this post on a fiasco in Philadelphia.

I feel existential tonight and I'd like to say a few points on the reason this blog exists. Aside from the rather vague blurb and the title at the top, this is less about news and more about meditation and comments after the fact. I'm certainly not plugged into any original sources of info.

Basically, I read, I ponder and I say a few things that come to mind. I was reading (big surprise there, right?) the other day on the state of blogs and how so many are simply a lot of posts that link to something offsite and that's it. Nothing else. It's more like a personal index of stuff the blogger wants to direct his or her readers to rather than adding anything fresh.

There are certain bloggers out there who I look up to in terms of their style in presenting their ideas and also in their ability to actually report something that is 'news' and not simply recycled.

As much as I'd like to emulate them in the latter, I hope you all get something out my efforts at the former, because I'm just not 'plugged in'.

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