Thursday, December 28, 2006

Recommendations needed

Dear readers,

As the motu proprio draws closer and closer, I have been considering investing in a 1962 Missal for my personal edification and use should I ever make it an indult/post-motu proprio Mass. Having looked around, I have been comparing different missals on the market from Angelus and Baronius as well as used missals and the like.

I ask my readers who have personal knowledge of the different missals out there to offer counsel on which they think would be most edifying and easy to use. I do not intend to spend more than US$60, so please, do not leave any links to antique missals being sold on Ebay or at ABE or Loomis. I would prefer to get something brand new, but if there is used copy to be had that is exceptional, I would consider it as well as long as it's within my price range.

I look forward to your help and advice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go to . They have 1962 Missals that are nicely printed and bound and reflect the last official edition before the changes of Vatican II.