Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The pieces are coming together

In the past I've described this blog as the 'nose-bleed seats' of Vatican watching. I don't speak the languages (Latin and Italian) of the primary sources, so I am stuck with merely reacting. Just a moment ago, I thought of a better analogy: the guy standing at the back of a crowd asking the people in front of him what's going on. Anyway, on to business.

Rorate Caeli has lots of good stuff on the motu proprio and the long awaited exhortation.

Cardinal Medina Estevez said, "The publication of the Motu Proprio from the Pope which will liberalize the celebration of the Latin Mass according to the Missal of Saint Pius V is close."

On the exhortation (as translated at Rorate Caeli):

The recourse to the ordination of married priests of proven virtue ("viri probati") to face the lack of vocations is excluded; the admission of remarried divorced persons to Communion is forbidden, but it is recommended that the Christian community welcome and value their presence; the study of the liturgy in Latin and of Gregorian Chant in seminaries is recommended.

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