Monday, May 30, 2005

Ways of going forward

Sandro Magister is not only an excellent journalist looking at the Vatican's activities, his column is also a forum for essays that explore the Roman Catholic Church's relations with itself and the larger society...

Among sociologists of religion, for example, there are widely differing interpretations of the condition of Christianity in the West.

And there are even different outlooks among churchmen. Even two personalities in very close agreement, like pope Ratzinger and his vicar, Camillo Ruini, agree upon the diagnosis but disagree somewhat on the strategies of response.

This is the scenario upheld in this essay written for www.chiesa by Silvio Ferrari, a professor of canon law and relations between Church and state at the State University of Milan and the University of Louvain. He is also the editor of the “Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica” published by “il Mulino”:

Read the complete article Minority Church, Church of the Masses: The Two Strategies of R. & R., Inc. from www.chiesa.

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