Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The "La Sapienza" Affair

I've been busy... But on to business.

Catching up on Father Z this morning, I read his piece on the Holy Father's canceled visit to "La Sapienza" University in Italy because professors and students were protesting madly and his security and dignity could not be guaranteed.

I was referred then to Zadok, who has all the details on the ground:
  • Pope to Visit the Sapienza University
  • Gah! It's not about Galileo!
  • Credit where credit is due
  • They're worse than I thought...
  • Ruini - Show support for the Pope on Sunday!
    I don't have much to add to this myself beyond what Father Z and Zadok have to say. In the comments to the various quotes, a lot of biblical verses are quoted to support His Holiness. Dusting yourself off after being thrown out is a good one, as is the story of Peter turning back to Rome after Jesus asks him where he's going.
  • 1 comment:

    Fr. J. said...

    Looks like the leftists got outsmarted on this one.

    They have made the pope into an intellectual martyr of the modern age as much as Gallileo was of his age.

    The cancellation was a brilliant stroke, though I admit I was dismayed by it at first.

    Viva il Papa!!