Friday, July 22, 2005

Hope yet for the Spanish

Madrid, Jul. 21 (CNA/ - A judge in Alicante, Spain, is refusing to marry a lesbian couple and has filed a legal challenge against the change in Spain's Civil Code allowing same-sex couples to contract "marriage." If the case reaches Spain's Constitutional Court, that body could reverse the new law.
The leading opposition party in Spain, the Partido Popular, is also considering a challenge to the new law's constitutionality. In order to initiate such a proceeding, the party would need 50 senators or representatives to vote in favor. Such a vote is all but guaranteed as more than 143 representatives and 131 senators voted against the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Read the complete article High Court might reverse same-sex marriage in Spain from Catholic World News.

Hopefully the Spanish judiciary has enough 'reactionary' judges to garner a reversal. Not a fan of judicial activism, but a move like this is certainly one reason why the courts exist and exercise judicial review. We'll see what comes of this.

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