Saturday, April 21, 2012


Sister Campbell suggested that her organisation's vocal support for President Barack Obama's healthcare bill was behind the slapdown.

"There's a strong connection," she said. "We didn't split on faith, we split on politics."
For a Citizen, I believe there can be leeway between faith and politics.  But for those who are directly apart of the Church, can there really be a difference between faith and politics without compromising themselves?
But Sister Campbell suggested a difficult time ahead: "It's totally a top-down process and I don't think the bishops have any idea of what they're in for."
I still have faith that this is not true.  I believe in my heart the vast majority of sisters in America are not the problem here.  But that these organizations have developed their own agenda.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns that it considers too radical.

It says the group is undermining Roman Catholic teaching on homosexuality and is promoting "feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith".

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is the largest organisation of Catholic nuns in the US.
This is a good thing.  From all the mail I receive asking for support, it seems clear that a more conservative and traditional way of life is calling women in America.  Unforunately, it seems that many organizations in America ignore their members' wishes and have their own agenda from the top down.  I hope that is the case here so this crackdown can happen as painlessly as possible while achieving full effect for the good of all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SSPX Resolution Imminent?

For those of you who don't follow Rorate Caeli and the sources it links to regularly on the question of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X's final regularization, here are a few points:

1. The CDF/Ecclesia Dei Commission has been in talks with the SSPX for a few years now.
2. The CDF gave the SSPX a preamble to ponder and with which to agree.  There was back and forth as things were clarified and so on.
3. The SSPX was given until April 15 to state its final intention regarding the preamble.  Some interpret this as an ultimatum, but it read more to me as a due date.

In any case, that date has come and gone and now there is a lot of talk that regularization is imminent due to private letters being submitted, etc.  Since I don't care to get caught up in all the echoing of news, rumor, and gossip, I haven't said anything on this.  What will happen will happen according to God's will.  However, if it dues turn out to be true and the SSPX is coming in with all or most of its following, this is a very very good thing.  People have been talking about how this is the SSPX's last chance given Benedict has been so friendly and the next pope isn't likely to be there with an outstretched hand.